
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Create Passive Income by Selling Special Reports

For years, I heard about resume writers who wrote informational guides and sold them to their clients and prospects, generating passive income. But it all seemed so complicated -- requiring shopping carts, and autoresponders, and HTML coding. Bleh!

So when I wanted to sell our first special report, "Making Money as a Resume Subcontractor," as an electronic download, I started doing some research. And I found a service that integrates easily with PayPal and that even I could figure out. Best of all, you can sell $100 in products using a basic account before you have to pay anything.

What kind of informational products could you offer? Although Kim Isaacs offers hers as lead generators for her resume services, she could easily sell her special reports-- 4 Quick Fixes For Your Resume and Top Resume FAQs -- for a couple of dollars each.

You could create a directory of local employment resources -- including recruiters and their specializations, top employers, and training sources -- and sell it for $5 or$10 dollars as an electronic download. Write a good "generic" topic that's not too self-promotional, and you can even set up Payloadz to track affiliate sales -- tell me about it and we'll get your colleagues to sell your products on their websites too!

It's easy. Write your special report. Create a PDF. Sign up with Payloadz. Put your product online. Promote it in e-mails and on your website.

Looking for ideas for your special report? Order Special Report #20 from The Publicity Hound: How to Write and Market Profitable Special Reports.


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