
Friday, October 19, 2007

Next Special Report: For New Resume Writers

With the recent publication of our first special report, on "Making Money as a Resume Subcontractor," by Diana LeGere, it's time to start working on a second report.

Next we're tackling the challenges faced by new resume writers. I've often talked about the turnover in the resume writing industry. Part of the challenge is that there are low barriers to entry, but it's difficult make $30,000 or more in your first year. I want to help increase the chances of success for these new practitioners -- to give them a game plan for their first year.

Do you have an idea, strategy, or suggestion for these newbies? E-mail me at We'll look to release the next special report in December. (Be sure to e-mail me with any ideas you have for special reports you'd like to see.)

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