
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Maintaining Your Productivity

Here are some tips from Accountemps for maintaining a high level of productivity:
  • Make a plan. Spend 10-15 minutes at the beginning of the day mapping out your desired accomplishments. Prioritize the taks that are most important to your business.
  • Sharpen your focus. People are more productive when working for an extended period in the same mental mode, as opposed to changing gears frequently. Try to cluster tasks that require similar effort or resources at the same time.
  • Limit distractions. It can be tempting to review e-mail each time a message arrives. However, unless your job requires an immediate response, it's often best to check your inbox periodically throughout the day.
  • Don't delay. Even peak performers occasionally put off working on unpleasant or overwhelming assignments. One effective way to overcome procrastination is to break a project into smaller, more manageable tasks.
  • Recharge. Taking short breaks throughout the day can help you replenish your energy and fight fatigue.
Now if only I could get myself to follow this advice every day! I tend to jump from task to task during the day -- depending on how urgent the request is. But on the days when I do plan my day, and prioritize the top 2-3 tasks, I find I tend to get them done.

How about you?

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