
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Latest Survey: What You Want

Yesterday, I sent out a survey to my readers asking them what kind of topics they're interested in learning more about in Resume Writers' Digest special reports, blog topics, and newsletter articles. I've already received more than 30 responses, and appreciate all of you taking the time to respond to the survey!

The sale of our special reports, books, and other products -- as well as paid advertisements in the newsletter -- supports this blog as well as the free bimonthly newsletter (published as an Adobe Acrobat PDF), so if I know what kind of information you're interested in purchasing, I can give you what you want!

If you are currently subscribed to Resume Writers Digest, please be sure to check your e-mail for my e-mail and take the survey! If you are not currently a subscriber, you can use the form in the top right-hand corner of this blog to subscribe for free. E-mail me if you have any questions.

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