
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New Issue of Resume Writers' Digest Available (Fall 2008)

The new issue of Resume Writers' Digest is now available. The cover story, by Wendy Terwelp, is about how to use social networking websites to grow your business -- and help your clients.

Wendy is also offering a special offer to readers if they purchase her "Rock Your Network® Online" social networking course. If you are one of the first 10 people who respond by Friday, Jan. 30, 2009, you will receive a free 15-minute laser coaching session with Wendy to crank up your online network.

The issue also features an article on how to "Turn a Good Customer Into a Loyal Customer in Just Six Steps," Robert Middleton's Action Plan Marketing article on "Nine Key Marketing Lessons," a Resume Writer's University article on using DISC profiles ("Resume Writing is DISC Easy," and an article on how to get publicity using New Year's Resolutions as a hook in your news release.

You can receive the newsletter for free if you are a subscriber (use the form at the top right-hand column of this blog). Or you can purchase this issue for just $3.Link

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