
Friday, November 16, 2012

Working With Challenging, Controlling, or Just Plain Pain-in-the-A$$ Clients

There has been a great discussion going on about "controlling" clients on the NRWA E-List as of late. My favorite tip list was shared by colleague Kelly Donovan, CPRW.

Here, with her permission, is Kelly's list of "PITA Warning Signs":
  • Asking for a discount or questioning whether the investment is worth it.
  • Saying their project will be "simple" (the "simple" ones are always PITAs!)
  • Saying anything that reveals doubt/skepticism about your qualifications
  • Mentioning they had a problem with another resume writer (ask for details!) 
  • Asking for a watered-down version of your services with a lower price tag (is it really something you can scale down?)
  • Calling/emailing with unusually high frequency (sign of being high-maintenance or disorganized)
  • Calling before 8:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m.-ish (unless for a scheduled call)
  • Complaining about any aspect of their experience with you (your voice mail, how long you took to get back to them, etc.) 
I wrote a previous blog post on the subject of challenging and pain-in-the-a$$ (PITA) clients in 2008 that also contains some warning signs to be wary of: "We Do Not Negotiate With Terrorists."

Kelly says when you encounter one of these warning signs, "trust your instincts and just say no. If they end up being a PITA, it won't be a profitable project regardless of whether you get paid (and keep it) or not."

Do you have other warning signs to share? Please add a comment!

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