
Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Free Special Report: Finding Your Uniqueness

How unique are you as a resume writer? Even if you think you're just an "ordinary" resume writer, how you position yourself can make a HUGE difference in attracting clients and being seen as an expert.

In this new, FREE 16-page workbook from Resume Writer's Digest, you'll learn:

  • What IS a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and how can it help you attract more clients to your resume writing business?
  • What are the elements of a good USP?
  • How to analyze your current client base to figure out how to choose your USP.
  • Why a picture can help you create your USP.
  • How studying other resume writers can help you figure out how you are unique.
  • Four important questions to ask yourself to discover your USP.
  • Examples of great USPs.

Includes four worksheets:

  • Worksheet 1: Understand Your Target Market
  • Worksheet 2: Research Other Resume Writers
  • Worksheet 3: Create Your Products and Services
  • Worksheet 4: Write Your Unique Selling Proposition

To obtain your free workbook, "Finding Your Uniqueness: Developing Your Unique Selling Proposition," complete the form below!

Free Workbook: "Finding Your Uniqueness: Developing Your Unique Selling Proposition"
* required



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