
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Thinking of Buying -- or Selling -- a Resume Writing Business?

A couple of times a year, I hear from a resume writer who is thinking about retiring or selling his or her business. I recently interviewed a resume writer who successfully sold her business (and I'm thinking about interviewing the buyer too!), but the topic came up for me yesterday when I got a call from a business broker who wondered if I was interested in selling my resume writing business.

I told her I wasn't (My husband and I have created a business that fits our lifestyle, and that we love!), but I asked for more information about what she does, so that if you come across this post and you're interested in buying an established resume writing business -- or selling yours -- you'll have a resource to check out. (Note: I don't know much about this brokerage company other than what I read on their website, and from talking to my contact there.)

Linda, with Affiliated Business Consultants, says some of the main reasons why someone might be interested in buying a business include:

  • They've moving to a different state
  • They've lost a job and want the security of self-employment in an established business

I told her I sometimes hear from resume writers who want to sell. Their primary reasons for selling include:

  • Retirement (there is a substantial segment of the resume writing industry over age 55 -- this will open up the possibility for business sales over the next 5-10 years)
  • Health issues -- again, age is a factor in this one too. The resume writer might be interested in cutting back his or her business due to health concerns.
  • Returning to the corporate world. I talked with a couple of resume writers in the last few months alone who are taking corporate jobs and consequently, are shuttering their careers business.

If you're thinking of buying or selling, contact Linda at 719-540-2200 extension 243. Or visit the Affiliated Business Consultants website at

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