Ideas, information, and resources for professional resume writers.
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About Bridget (Weide) Brooks
Tools for Resume Writers
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Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Seven Things Jobseekers Say That Drive Me Crazy
As a resume writer for the past 15+ years, I like to think that I've heard it all. Certainly, I've heard certain things over and ove...
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
I Published My First Ebook...Now What??
Yesterday, I received an email from Kristin Johnson of Profession Direction announcing the publication of her first ebook, "Target Yo...
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Monday, April 22, 2013
Is Your Website Too Ugly to Get You Clients?
Ten years ago, I'd estimate that about half of resume writers didn't have a website. They were expensive to set up (most resume wr...
Friday, April 5, 2013
Leverage The Power of Groups for Success as a Resume Writer
This is the fourth post in our four-part series on "Four Ways to Improve Your Life and Achieve Greater Success as a Resume Writer....
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