Ideas, information, and resources for professional resume writers.
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About Bridget (Weide) Brooks
Tools for Resume Writers
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Thursday, July 31, 2014
Best Resumes For $100,000+ Jobs (Book Review)
What is it with our clients and $100,000+ jobs? I ask my almost-senior-level clients how much they want to be making, and inevitably, it...
Friday, July 25, 2014
Creating a Career Membership Site (Part 2)
Yesterday, I mentioned a " Little Monthly Payments "-based membership site as a way to add passive income into your resume writing...
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Creating a Career Membership Site (Part 1)
Selling a special report for $5 can make you some decent money. But what if you could sell a special report series, and your subscribers r...
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
So You Want to Be A Subcontract Resume Writer?
Every day, I get questions from resume writers. On my blog, I'll post the answers to frequently-asked questions! Here's today'...
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