Ideas, information, and resources for professional resume writers.
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About Bridget (Weide) Brooks
Tools for Resume Writers
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Sunday, September 6, 2015
Five Things to Do With Tweetable Tips Content
As I've talked about on many occasions, jobseekers are hungry for information that will help them in their careers. One of the best ways...
Thursday, August 6, 2015
What Should Be In Your Client Contract?
Some resume writers don't use a client contract (or client agreement). But if you already have one -- or you're thinking you should...
Monday, June 8, 2015
Q&A: Starting an Email List
I like to answer questions from my tribe! In today's blog post, I respond to a reader who has a question about starting an email list. ...
Monday, June 1, 2015
Preparing for My 11th Resume Writing Conference
I'm speaking (two breakout sessions!) at the 2015 NRWA Conference in Charlotte , and it got me thinking about how many conferences I...
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