Ideas, information, and resources for professional resume writers.
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About Bridget (Weide) Brooks
Tools for Resume Writers
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Monday, March 21, 2016
Harnessing Innovation Keynote with Josh Linkner
Today's blog post is a write-up of one of the sessions from the 2016 Young Professionals Summit in Omaha, Nebraska on March 3. Organized...
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
"I'm not sure what to do with my LinkedIn profile..."
I was going to call this blog post, "I'm on LinkedIn, Now What?" but that's actually the name of an excellent book by my ...
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Why Content Is So Important to Attracting Resume Clients
From cave paintings to John Deer and even Jell-O, content marketing has been around for literally thousands of years. Anytime someone wante...
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Make Marketing Your Resume Services Into a Game
As I mentioned in several emails in January, I participated in Jon Acuff's "30 Days of Hustle" challenge with the goal of in...
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