The new issue of Resume Writers' Digest is now available. The cover story, by Wendy Terwelp, is about how to use social networking websites to grow your business -- and help your clients.
Wendy is also offering a special offer to readers if they purchase her "Rock Your Network® Online" social networking course. If you are one of the first 10 people who respond by Friday, Jan. 30, 2009, you will receive a free 15-minute laser coaching session with Wendy to crank up your online network.
The issue also features an article on how to "Turn a Good Customer Into a Loyal Customer in Just Six Steps," Robert Middleton's Action Plan Marketing article on "Nine Key Marketing Lessons," a Resume Writer's University article on using DISC profiles ("Resume Writing is DISC Easy," and an article on how to get publicity using New Year's Resolutions as a hook in your news release.
You can receive the newsletter for free if you are a subscriber (use the form at the top right-hand column of this blog). Or you can purchase this issue for just $3.