Thursday, November 29, 2007

November/December 2007 Issue Ready

Well, another issue is on its way to subscribers! This one is 16 pages, and features a cover story on resume writing certifications. It's a comprehensive, 7-page article comparing all of the major certifications. If you're not yet certified -- or are thinking about pursuing certification, read this article!!

The Resume Writer's University article is a review of the book "Competency-Based Resumes," and Robert Middleton talks about "Marketing Without Marketing" in his Action Plan column.

There's also an interview with Norine Dagliano on how public speaking can build your resume business and help you generate new revenue.

If you have not yet subscribed to Resume Writers' Digest, remember it's FREE. It's supported by advertising, the sale of our special reports and books, and donations. Use the form in the upper right-hand corner of the RWD Blog to sign up!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Potential Employers for Ex-Military Clients

magazine cover imageHave clients who have left the military but still want to use their military skills?

From, the top 100 defense contractors for the military and the top 200 government contractors (list updated in August annually).

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Goal Setting

In my letter from the editor in the November/December issue of the Resume Writers' Digest newsletter, I wrote about goal setting ... and how a photo can be a powerful motivator in your quest to achieve a goal.

This is the photo of my house (formerly owned by my brother and sister-in-law) that was the inspiration for my desire to own my own home after I got married. As I mentioned in the column, that goal literally DID become a reality, as the house I envisioned as I worked to achieve my goals was the one I actually ended up buying! (Although I didn't necessarily have THIS house in mind when I set the goal in the early 2000s.)

So when you set a goal, attach a picture to it (either mentally -- or, better yet, physically).

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Alliance's Liz Sumner

Liz Sumner

She's worked in advertising, communication, distribution, hospitality and politics. She's lived in the Delaware Valley, the Pacific Northwest, and New England. Liz has a B.S. in Journalism from the University of Oregon, a Masters degree in Organizational Change from Antioch University in Seattle, WA. and is ICF certified as a Life Coach through the Academy for Coach Training in Bellevue, WA. Liz is the Executive Director of The Career Management Alliance.