Thursday, September 16, 2010

Best of Today: 9/16/10

I think this will be part of all e-newsletter services in the near future

Why You Have a Facebook Page But No Friends


@GayleHoward: #Jobseekers. The first step in any job search is having a clear goal. If you can’t describe what you’re looking for, then you’re not ready.

I’d argue any resume writer who doesn’t have a clear client goal isn’t ready to write either.

Marketing in a Down Market: Expand Your Network

From the July/August 2008 issue of Resume Writers' Digest:

Fourth in a series on Marketing Your Resume Writing Services in a Down Market

Resume writers tell their clients to network, but don't always follow their own advice. Yet there are more opportunities for business-to-business networking than ever before.

Traditional methods include professional associations (especially if you specialize in a niche, making contacts with these associations as well as contacts in academic programs turning out new graduates, is vital), plus business leads groups, alumni groups, and Chambers of Commerce.

Your return on your investment here will depend on the time you are willing to commit. Participating in organizational activities, writing for their publication and website, and volunteering to chair committees (membership recruitment and event planning are two in particular), can pay dividends.

Another growing area is using online social networking sites to cultivate referrals and build your credibility. Having a profile on LinkedIn or Facebook is quickly becoming essential. If you currently don't have a profile, create one!

Next up: Small-Space Advertising.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Best of Today: 9/15/10

Via Quintessential Resumes & Cover Letters Tips Blog: Surprisingly Few Surveyed Employers Use Keyword-Searchable Resume Databases

- For resume writers that are building their brand online -- you might not think you're a minor local celebrity (or minor global celebrity), but you should be prepared!

-       Great interview with Bob Beaudine (I just read his book, and it’s fabulous!)

My List Building Bank Tip is Online!

A few days ago, I mentioned that I had been selected by VerticalResponse as one of their winners in their List Building Bank contest.

I was just notified that my tip is now online! You can read it here.

I highly recommend VerticalResponse for your client newsletters and promotional e-mails. It's what I use for Resume Writers' Digest. Use my affiliate link here and try it for free! (Or click on the ad below.)

100 Free Emails from VerticalResponse

Grow your business with email marketing!