You know, the ones that usually say, "Hi! I will be out of the office until Monday, March 24. I will respond to your message when I return to the office."
Sometimes they'll have a sales message. Like: "I'm sorry I am unavailable to respond to your message at this time. If you are interested in learning more about our services, please visit our website,"
Subject: Resume Writing
I doubt that you can afford me. If you are still interested in this subject, please call.
(Resume writer name, CEO), Company Name, Phone Number)
Wow. I'm not sure what to make of that. Either she is *really* prequalifying customers, or she doesn't want the business. I'll have to follow up with her (when she's back in the office, of course), and see which is the case.
[PS - I use Vertical Response for my opt-in e-mail management for Resume Writers' Digest. There are no monthly fees -- you buy e-mail credits as you need them, for $.015 each (or, in bulk, for less than a penny each). Plus VR gives you the tools to simply create sign-up forms to collect your opt-in form. Plus, they have great templtes for creating your e-mails. If you'd like to try Vertical Response, e-mail me at You can try it for FREE and send 25 emails. Once you become a customer, you and I will both receive free email credits for the amount you purchase (up to 2,500).]