Tuesday, September 17, 2024

80% off Pricing Right Course (Birthday Flash Sale)

It’s my birthday on Saturday and — in honor of turning 51 — I’m running a flash sale offering more than $200 off my signature course, Pricing Right: Price Your Career Services with Confidence!

Through midnight Central on my birthday (9/21), if you are one of the first 51 people to take advantage of this flash sale, you will get the FULL COURSE for just $51 (that’s 80% off the regular price of $259!).

The course is designed to help anyone who struggles with pricing their services — from new resume writers to veterans.

The “Pricing Right” course is nine lessons, and each lesson is an average of 15 minutes long. You can work your way through the lessons at your own schedule (it’s self-paced).

When you complete the course, you’ll have a CONCRETE basis for setting your prices (new clients & returning projects), strategies for communicating your pricing (including how to handle push-back on your pricing as well as how to communicate price increases), and you’ll be able to avoid the most common mistakes in pricing your career industry services. There’s also a special lesson on raising your prices — critical these days as our cost of doing business continues to increase!

Here’s what colleagues have to say about the course:

But don’t wait to enroll. There are only 51 enrollments available during this special flash sale. Enroll now.

You can watch a preview of the course here:


If you’ve ever struggled with pricing your career services (and let’s be honest … we all have!), this course is for you. Get the practical, actionable information you need to set your prices so you can hit your revenue goals the final three months of 2024.

Remember, this sale price is only available until midnight Saturday – and only for the first 51 career industry colleagues who sign up. Enroll here!

Monday, September 16, 2024

Mindset Monday: Have You Considered a Vision Board?

One of the ways you can increase your positivity and grow your success mindset is to create and use a vision board. A vision board is pictorial of the success you want to achieve. The main point is that you want the vision board to be easily visible and usable after it’s created. 

  • Know What You Want. The first course of action for you is to know what type of goals you are working on for your vision board. Some people like making an “overall” vision board that depicts their entire life, but it can also be helpful to create one for each individual goal that you have so that you can focus on one thing at a time. 
  • Set Your Goals and Objectives. When you know which life area you’ll focus on, write down your goals and objectives. Use the SMART goal format so the goals you make also have tasks and actions associated with them.  
  • Choose Your Tools. Now that you know what you are creating, choose the tools you will use. Plan to look at the vision board daily. It’s not going to do any good if you can’t see it when you need motivation. You can choose a print format or use a Pinterest board.
  • Choose Images / Words That Support Your Goals. As you choose the pictures and words that depict and support your goals, store them in one spot, such as Dropbox or a folder. Write down or copy words that help support your goals, too, because you’ll want to connect the images with affirmations too.
  • Design the Vision Board. Now that you have all the information and materials, start preparing your vision board. Focus on the feeling of meeting your goals. Feel it as you create it. 
  • Look at The Vision Board Every Day. Look at your vision board every morning before starting your day and even every night as you consider your actions and set up your day for tomorrow. The only way your vision board will help you is if it’s tied to the actions you take each day.
Finally, allow yourself to experience emotions about how you’re going to feel when you succeed by meeting that goal. 

Resume Writers & Estimated Taxes

If you’re a self-employed resume writer, then you are responsible for paying your own taxes. In contrast, if you work for someone else then taxes are automatically taken out of your paycheck. Depending on your annual income and your circumstances, self-employed iresume writers may be required to pay taxes on a quarterly basis.

Check with your accountant or refer to past tax returns to determine if you can pay annually or need to pay quarterly. There’s no disadvantage to paying quarterly. You can, on the other hand, be assessed fees if you decide to pay annually but earn too much (and should have paid quarterly).

The 1040ES is a form that will help you estimate your quarterly taxes. It’s available here –


You can also learn more information about quarterly tax payments and what is required here - https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/estimated-taxes

Once you know how much you need to pay every three months, it’s time to create a plan to save for it. This isn’t your emergency savings plan. This is a different savings plan designed to take the financial pain and stress out of paying your taxes.

Step One: Where Will You Save The Money?
Unlike an emergency savings plan, your tax savings doesn’t need to be stored in a separate account. If you keep good records you can simply keep your tax savings in your standard business checking account. If you believe you might be tempted to spend the money, then open up another savings account specifically for your quarterly taxes. 

Step Two: Weekly or Monthly?
The easiest way to build your savings is to establish automatic deductions. For example, you may have $500 deducted from your business checking account each month and added to your tax savings account. To determine how much to deduct, simply divide your anticipated quarterly tax payment by three months or 12 weeks.

If you are keeping all of your money in one account, you’ll want to make sure you build up the amount in your account on a monthly basis so when tax time comes around you have enough money ready.

Step Three: Add It to Your Budget
Treat your quarterly taxes as any other business expense and incorporate your monthly tax savings into your monthly budget. By doing this, you’ll make sure that you always account for the expense and never fall short. When tax time rolls around you’ll be stress free and in the black.

Saving for your quarterly taxes may not be fun, and there are certainly other things you’d like to do with the money. However, by creating your quarterly tax plan you will remove the stress of paying taxes and you make sure you’re not hit with a large payment (and possibly even financial penalties) at the end of the year.