Why do people seek out a résumé writer? A couple of calls from prospective clients this week got me thinking about this.
Most of the calls I receive fall into two categories -- calls from the Yellow Pages and calls from people referred by someone. Because I always ask, "How did you hear about us?" I can usually determine what information I need to share with the caller. Those who have been referred are often "pre-sold" on my services and don't require as much education as the Yellow Pages caller.
Callers from the Yellow Pages are often intriguing. At some basic level, they recognize the need for help with their resume, because they've sought out a "resume service" in the phone book.
Yet they often don't know what they need -- or even what a professional resume writer will do for them. Some are looking for someone to "type" their resume. Others know that they can get "help" with the writing part, but don't know how that works.
Remember when working with prospective clients who are calling from the Yellow Pages that you have three goals:
1. Educate them about your services (what you do, how you can help them, how much it will cost)
2. Find out if they are ready to work with you (do they have a focused job target? What is their timeframe? Do they have realistic expectations about what the résumé can do for them? Are they willing to pay your fee?)
3. Demonstrate that you are the solution. This is most often accomplished by asking questions designed to elicit information -- and position yourself as a credible expert to solve their unspoken problem ("How do I get interviews?")
While their reasons for choosing a professional résumé writer may differ from caller to caller, your job is the same: Determine whether there is a match between what they need and what you provide -- and if there is, make the sale.