Friday, September 10, 2010

Best of Today: 9/10/10

Jim Connolly – Jim’s Marketing Blog via Julie Walraven“Two Ways to Grow Your Blog: Independent or Associated”
- I’ve never see this articulated anywhere else, although I’ve seen associated blogs before.

-Love tactic #2 – I’m going to use this with my clients

Thanks to Billie Sucher for a reminder about an “oldie but a goodie” – The Riley Guide job search resource: 

Quote of the Day:

@Dave_Carpenter: Don’t die with your book still in you.

I Won a Book from Vertical Response!

I had to share the news with you guys!

Last week, I submitted a tip to the VerticalResponse List Building Bank Giveaway. I was one of 10 tips selected to be featured, and I won a book -- "The Referral Engine" by John Jantsch!

As those of you who received the Resume Writers' Digest newsletter know, I use VerticalResponse to manage my RWD mailing list. I like it because I can purchase email credits and use them whenever I want, instead of paying a flat fee per month. If I don't send an email in a particular month, I don't pay anything! When I want to send an email, I just buy some credits (and they have a tiered payment program, where the more credits you buy, the less you pay. I usually pay $.015 per email credit (or $15 per 1000 credits), and since my list is about 800 names, I can do a mailing for about $12. They also have a "standard" option -- as little as $10/month for unlimited e-mailing.

They have great templates, marketing support, and blogs/articles/webinars to help you get the most out of your online marketing efforts. And they track your email campaigns (opens, clicks, bounces, unsubscribes)...

Give it a try -- here's my affiliate link to sign up for an account -- you'll get a 30-day risk free trial.
They also offer survey subscriptions and postcard mailings.

As you can tell, I love VerticalResponse! Give them a try ... and I'll be sure to put up a link to my list-building tip when it gets published.

Grow your business with email marketing!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Best of Today: 9/9/2010

This was an easier task today. I just kept track of cool & interesting stuff as I came across it. (Oh, and just so you know,  I looked through about 10x as many articles as I posted links ... I'm trying to "edit" the volume of stuff for you guys.)

Today's question is: Do you want me to provide some commentary with the articles? Like a sentence or two on what it's about, and why I thought it was cool/interesting? Let me know. Comment below.

Jason Alba blog post on I’m On Linked In – Now What? "Who Owns Your LinkedIn Profile" 

"Hire Me: Your Employment Prospects for 2010 (Results of Manpower Survey)"

Great example of an online “Resources” guide for clients – courtesy of Donna Svei, AvidCareerist

Love Wendy’s Humor – Wendy Terwelp Blog Post (Rock Your Career) – “I Don’t Kiss on the First Date – LinkedIn Tips”

Bonus content from me --
Quote of the Day (QOTD):

Via @TheJobQuest RT @steviepuckett: Your job security no longer lies in having a job. It lies in knowing how to work the job market.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Best of Today: 9/8/2010

I had the idea to do blog posts for each day that are kind of like "Google News" -- they give you a brief summary & a link to some of the best "found" content I came across today.

Here's today's top 5 + 1 bonus:
>Let me know what you think about this blog post ... and whether you'd like to see more of this...