Friday, January 28, 2011

Generating Rapid Cash Flow in Your Resume Writing Business

I spent a couple of hours over the past four days listening to the great information shared in Ellen Britt's Rapid Cash Flow Secrets telesummit calls. There were four sessions each day, with each presenter sharing their best ideas for generating quick cash flow as well as developing a sustainable business income for the long haul as well. There were several big-name presenters, including Jessica Swanson, Michelle PW, and Christine Gallagher.

Many years ago, I had the idea that resume writers needed to create some sort of program to complement the resume writing services offered. My original idea was something like a pre-paid legal services model -- where folks would pay a small fee per month (like $12 or $20) and receive access to resume services on an ongoing basis (like one resume update each year).

After listening to the programs, I got some new ideas for resume writers -- like the idea of a membership site (which is kind of like the legal services model), with resources for resume clients. It can be provided as a bonus with the purchase of the resume on a free trial basis, and then as an ongoing subscription revenue source after that. While the average membership site only keeps clients for 3-5 months, I think a resume writer's membership site might attract clients for 6- to 12-months (and certainly selling it in time chunks like that would lessen the attrition rate).

Are you interested in learning more about these kinds of principles? You can purchase the audio files and transcripts for all 16 Rapid Cash Flow Secrets sessions using this link for just $97. I'll also be writing and/or speaking about how you can apply some of these principles in your resume writing business for short-term and long-term income generation in future blog posts and in the Resume Writers' Digest newsletter.

Is this a topic you're interested in learning more about? Let me know...

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