Friday, May 23, 2008

Wendy Enelow Selected as "Top Conference Draw"

Wendy EnelowIn compiling the results of the Industry Conference survey conducted by Resume Writers' Digest, Wendy Enelow was selected as the top vote-getter when survey respondents were asked, "Are there any speakers in particular that would draw you to a conference?"

Not surprisingly, resume writing/writing topics was the top reason respondents choose to attend a conference.

If you like Wendy -- and want to improve your resume writing expertise -- be sure to subscribe to receive the Resume Writers' Digest newsletter (see the top right-hand corner of this blog for the sign-up form). Wendy contributed a fabulous article for the May/June 2008 issue on how to "dig deep" to capture client accomplishments.

That issue will be released the first week of June; be sure you're subscribed (and have completed the double opt-in process -- you must click on the e-mail you receive from Vertical Response) in order to receive the newsletter.

That issue will contain the results of the industry survey. If you've ever attended a resume writing industry professional conference, you know how valuable the information is! Get timeless ideas and information from past careers industry conferences by ordering our "Best of the Conferences: 2000 to 2002" special report. It's 60 pages of ideas, information, and resources from the 2000 PARW Conference
in Toronto; the 2001 NRWA Conference in San Antonio; the 2001 PARW Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida; the 2002 CMI Conference in San Diego, and two career-related sessions from the 2002 AJST conference in Orlando.

The tips and techniques are as relevant today as they were back then -- and all the articles have been formatted for easy reading. It includes dozens of photos and handouts.

If you'd like to see a preview of what's in the special report, download this 12-page issue of the newsletter that I call the "Best Of" Conference Preview, sponsored by the National Resume Writers' Association and Career Directors International.

Articles include:
-- "Making a Silk Purse From a Sow's Ear: Tips, Tricks, Ideas and Inspiration for Improved Resume Design" (Louise Kursmark presentation, NRWA 2001)
-- "R.O.I. Resumes -- Write Resumes That Deliver a Healthy Return on Investment" (Susan Britton Whitcomb presentation, CMI 2002)
-- "Bill Murdock: The 'Who, What, Where, When, Why and How' Con Man" (Bill Murdock presentation, PARW 2002)
-- "How to Add $100,000 To Your Career Transition Business Now" (John O'Connor presentation, PRWRA 2004)
-- "Adding the Wow! Factor" (Louise Kursmark presentation, PRWRA 2005)

Order the special report now and you'll have access to the PDF immediately! The cost is just $20 and you can purchase using Paypal (you do NOT need a PayPal account -- you can use PayPal to securely use your Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express credit card, or electronic debit from your checking account.)

Or use this link:

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The 10 Hardest-to-Fill Jobs

According to a 2007 Manpower survey, the 10 hardest-to-fill jobs are:
  • Sales Representative
  • Teacher
  • Mechanic
  • Technician
  • Manager/Executive
  • Truck Driver
  • Driver/Delivery Person
  • Accountant
  • Laborer
  • Machine Operator

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Will Your Client's Outfit Impact Their Chances of a Promotion?

Ninety-three percent of executives surveyed by OfficeTeam say that a person's style of dress at work influences his or her chances of earning a promotion. However, in another report, OfficeTeam found that only 4% of Generation Y workers (those just entering the workforce), indicated that they would like to wear business attire in the office. (The vast majority of those surveyed said they'd prefer to dress either business casual or in jeans and sneakers in the office.)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Free Teleseminar with Dr. Lynn Joseph

The Reach Branding Club is offering a free May teleseminar from the author of "The Job-Loss Recovery Guide: A Proven Program for Getting Back to Work -- Fast!" Dr. Lynn Joseph's strategy is designed to help individuals get jobs faster. The program, "Self Leadership: Achieve Career Transitions and Goals More Quickly and Powerfully with Advanced Visualization Techniques" will be Thursday, May 22 from Noon to 1 p.m. EST. There are only 200 spaces available on the call, so register with the Reach Branding Club. If you can't make the live call, the teleseminar will be recorded, and the recording will be sent to all who register.

Also, the next Reach Personal Branding Certification Program is starting soon. The registration cut-off date is Friday, May 23. Learn more here.