Not surprisingly, resume writing/writing topics was the top reason respondents choose to attend a conference.
If you like Wendy -- and want to improve your resume writing expertise -- be sure to subscribe to receive the Resume Writers' Digest newsletter (see the top right-hand corner of this blog for the sign-up form). Wendy contributed a fabulous article for the May/June 2008 issue on how to "dig deep" to capture client accomplishments.
That issue will be released the first week of June; be sure you're subscribed (and have completed the double opt-in process -- you must click on the e-mail you receive from Vertical Response) in order to receive the newsletter.
That issue will contain the results of the industry survey. If you've ever attended a resume writing industry professional conference, you know how valuable the information is! Get timeless ideas and information from past careers industry conferences by ordering our "Best of the Conferences: 2000 to 2002" special report. It's 60 pages of ideas, information, and resources from the 2000 PARW Conference in Toronto; the 2001 NRWA Conference in San Antonio; the 2001 PARW Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida; the 2002 CMI Conference in San Diego, and two career-related sessions from the 2002 AJST conference in Orlando.
The tips and techniques are as relevant today as they were back then -- and all the articles have been formatted for easy reading. It includes dozens of photos and handouts.
If you'd like to see a preview of what's in the special report, download this 12-page issue of the newsletter that I call the "Best Of" Conference Preview, sponsored by the National Resume Writers' Association and Career Directors International.
Articles include:
-- "Making a Silk Purse From a Sow's Ear: Tips, Tricks, Ideas and Inspiration for Improved Resume Design" (Louise Kursmark presentation, NRWA 2001)
-- "R.O.I. Resumes -- Write Resumes That Deliver a Healthy Return on Investment" (Susan Britton Whitcomb presentation, CMI 2002)
-- "Bill Murdock: The 'Who, What, Where, When, Why and How' Con Man" (Bill Murdock presentation, PARW 2002)
-- "How to Add $100,000 To Your Career Transition Business Now" (John O'Connor presentation, PRWRA 2004)
-- "Adding the Wow! Factor" (Louise Kursmark presentation, PRWRA 2005)
Order the special report now and you'll have access to the PDF immediately! The cost is just $20 and you can purchase using Paypal (you do NOT need a PayPal account -- you can use PayPal to securely use your Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express credit card, or electronic debit from your checking account.)
Or use this link:
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