Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Free Teleseminar: The Employment Game

As resume writers, we are often the first stop for someone in the job search. But today's employment market is so very different -- how relevant is the value we provide? Are we arming our clients for battle in the short-term... or for the permanently changed employment market?

Join Janine Moon, author of "Career Ownership: Creating 'Job Security' in Any Economy" for a free one-hour teleseminar on Wednesday, Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. Eastern time to learn strategies you can share with your clients to help them win "The Employment Game."

With both unemployment and underemployment in double digits, and with millions of jobs in the U.S. alone going begging because workers don't have the right skills, you have the opportunity to help educate your clients to the underlying structural changes that they will meet in their work lifetimes.

Consider this: One piece of the mortgage crisis is that many home buyers were not prepared to be home owners ... in a sense, the market experienced a mismatch between what's required and how an individual prepares to move from "renting" to "owning." We could say that there's an underlying structural problem in the home ownership process -- i.e., the lenders and buyers don't have the same expectations.

The same is true in today's employment market: While everyone wants that "permanent, secure" position (and they want it to be theirs), few are prepared for what that means in today's global marketplace. "Structural unemployment" may define that best: What employers need and what workers have don't match.

"Career Ownership" is the preparation necessary for that elusive "security" that so many want. Just like home ownership, however, the skills and mindset needed for career ownership are different from those needed for having a job -- or, put another way, for "renting work."

On Oct. 12, Janine will present "The Employment Game: How Are You Preparing Your Clients." In this teleseminar, she will review the employee skills and mindsets needed for any security in today's workplace. You'll receive a Career Ownership quiz that you can use with your clients to provide clear direction on what today's organizations must have from workers for both parties (employer and employee) to succeed. You'll also understand how the Career Ownership model differs from traditional job search and career-pathing models, and the value of a holistic approach to your clients' career assets. While it's a model that places the responsibility for security squarely on the shoulders of workers, Career Ownership maximizes worker value to employers and creates a core of security in the midst of workplace upheaval.

Janine is a Master Certified Career Coach and author of "Career Ownership: Creating Job Security in Any Economy." The teleseminar is sponsored by BeAResumeWriter.com and Resume Writers' Digest. 

To register, visit: bitly.com/JanineMoonRWD.
(When you register, you'll receive a confirmation email with the call-in details.)

The program will be presented live on Wednesday, Oct. 12 from 7-8 p.m. Eastern time via teleseminar. The teleseminar will be recorded; if you are unable to attend live, you will be able to access the recording in the "Free Level Resources" section of the BeAResumeWriter.com website.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Career Professionals of Canada Announces 2011 Award of Excellence Recipients

Career Professionals of Canada has announced the winners of their 2011 Award of Excellence.

The CPC Awards of Excellence benefit the general membership, individual members, their organizations, clients, and the industry as a whole. It is a great privilege to be nominated and an even greater honour to be distinguished as the recipient of a CPC Award of Excellence.

Recipients of the Award of Excellence include:

2011 0utstanding Canadian Career Leader
  • Maureen McCann
2011 Executive Director’s Award
(Outstanding Volunteer Contributor to the Organization)
  • Cathy Milton
  • Lita Pitruzzello
  • Michael Thompson
2011 Outstanding Canadian Online Profile Developer
  • Maureen McCann
2011 Outstanding Canadian Resume Contributor
Best New Graduate Resume Category
  • Lisa Cartaginese
2011 Outstanding Canadian Resume Contributor
Best Career Change Resume Category
  • Maureen McCann
2011 Outstanding Canadian Resume Contributor
Best Technical Resume Category
  • Lisa Cartaginese
2011 Outstanding Canadian Resume Contributor
Best Executive Resume Category
  • Adrienne Tom
2011 Outstanding Canadian Resume Contributor
Best Creative Resume Category
  • Maureen McCann

Career Professionals of Canada is committed to setting the standard for excellence in the Canadian employment and career industry. Recognizing outstanding individuals in our profession is one of our most important activities.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Review: "How to Succeed as a Small Business Owner...And Still Have a Life"

"How to Succeed as a Small Business Owner...and Still Have a Life" is a very honest book on how to get the most out of your business. It is a small business owner's manual written by Bill Collier, whose company went through lots of trials and tribulations. With lots of hard, dedicated work, he finally reached business success.

In his book, the author covers topics such as: putting your business on "auto-pilot," setting ambitious goals and achieve them, developing business plans, delegating effectively, attracting the right employees, and much more.

In my opinion, this book is for anybody who already owns their own business, but feels that they are getting nowhere. Everyday business life seems to be all about long, long hours, cutting into their private life with no visible results. The only way out, according to Bill Collier, is by changing certain principles, which he describes in his book. Principles that have helped him to move on and create the successful business he has.

Overall, if you are feel like your resume writing business has become "stuck," then "How to Succeed as a Small Business Owner...and Still Have a Life" is a very valuable resource to own and read.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Summer Issue of Resume Writers' Digest

The Summer 2011 issue of Resume Writers' Digest is now online -- and the theme is "Disaster Planning." After witnessing the destruction of tornadoes (Tuscaloosa, Joplin), hurricanes (Irene, anyone?), earthquakes (East Coast, really?) and flooding (right here in my hometown, Omaha) ... I was inspired to devote the theme of this issue to disaster preparedness.

Realistically, however, the biggest "disaster" that we will likely face as resume writers is health-related. Self-employed resume writers are more likely to face a loss of income -- and maybe our business -- from a health crisis than from a natural disaster. If you're paying for your own health insurance, you'll want to read our story on "Choosing an Insurance Plan."

You'll also want to read "Do You Have Enough Insurance Coverage?" and assess whether your business needs additional insurance protection.

Probably all of us have lost data -- whether from a hard drive failure, electrical power surge, corrupted CD, or other technological failure. Another article in the issue focuses on "Backup Systems and Disaster Recovery" -- providing tools to prevent your data from being lost forever.

Interested in getting the issue? Subscribe or sign up for a free membership at BeAResumeWriter.com and get access.