If you’ve ever struggled with coming up with ideas on what to send your email list, struggle no longer. Here are some ideas you can use just about any time…any place. Keep this list handy to plan your email marketing or grab it whenever you need a quick idea.
1. X tips to do something. For example, “15 Tips for A Better LinkedIn Profile.”
2. Warnings. For example, “Warning: The Most Common Job Search Mistakes to Avoid.”
3. Put a discount in the subject line. For example, “$20 Off Between Now and 7 p.m!”
4. Share a new theory. Ask people to give feedback and share their experiences.
5. Tell a story. Did one of your jobseeking clients fail or succeed? What did they learn? Try to make the story emotional, which is far more engaging.
6. Breaking news. If you know news is coming, try to be there for it. For example, if you see that new unemployment data is coming out, write about it immediately.
7. Something simple they can do right away. For example, an easy 10 minute update to their LinkedIn profile they can perform immediately.
8. A video. Give people high quality video content. Use a video metrics tool like Wistia to measure your dropoff rates and see what kinds of video content people like.
Share a victory. For example, “How Jane Jobseeker Got a New Job That Pays $9,839 More a Year.”
10. Do a time-limited sale. Give a reason for it. For example, do a 48-hour Christmas sale. (The week between Christmas and New Year's is often a slow one for resume writers!)
11. Challenge your audience. “I Challenge You to Make 25 New LinkedIn Connections by This Time Next Month.”
12. Give them something they can copy. For example, “My exact formula for getting an interview from every resume you send."
13. Address a common question or objection. For example, “How to Prepare for a Job Interview"
14. Give away a coupon. People love getting discounts.
15. Hint at future products. If you're thinking about adding information products to your resume writing business — ebooks, membership site, webinars — tease it! Building anticipation makes great content, as well as boosts your sales for when you do your launch.
Explain a problem. For example, “The 5 Reasons 90% of Jobseekers Fail to Find a Job in 30 Days.”
17. Rant. Just say what’s on your mind. This often turns out better than you think.
18. Promote your Facebook page or Twitter. Use email to build your social media audience.
19. Give a step-by-step guide. Walk people through how to do something complicated — like prepare their resume for use with an Applicant Tracking System.
20. Give proof for something. For example, film yourself doing something your target client wants to learn how to do — for example, changing your LinkedIn profile headline. This builds your credibility.
21. Interview an expert. Send it out to your list for free.
22. Ask other people to guest write for you. Make sure it’s super high quality before sending it out to your list.
23. Talk about someone you respect. For example, you could write a review of a new job search book. (Be sure to include an Amazon affiliate link!)
An opportunity to work with you. Give people the opportunity to get coaching or direct contact with you somehow.
25. Do a Q&A mailbag. Answer questions you get in the mail via your newsletter. Use your questions as content.
More Things to Send To Clients
1. X tips to do something. For example, “15 Tips for A Better LinkedIn Profile.”
2. Warnings. For example, “Warning: The Most Common Job Search Mistakes to Avoid.”
3. Put a discount in the subject line. For example, “$20 Off Between Now and 7 p.m!”
4. Share a new theory. Ask people to give feedback and share their experiences.
5. Tell a story. Did one of your jobseeking clients fail or succeed? What did they learn? Try to make the story emotional, which is far more engaging.
6. Breaking news. If you know news is coming, try to be there for it. For example, if you see that new unemployment data is coming out, write about it immediately.
7. Something simple they can do right away. For example, an easy 10 minute update to their LinkedIn profile they can perform immediately.
8. A video. Give people high quality video content. Use a video metrics tool like Wistia to measure your dropoff rates and see what kinds of video content people like.

10. Do a time-limited sale. Give a reason for it. For example, do a 48-hour Christmas sale. (The week between Christmas and New Year's is often a slow one for resume writers!)
11. Challenge your audience. “I Challenge You to Make 25 New LinkedIn Connections by This Time Next Month.”
12. Give them something they can copy. For example, “My exact formula for getting an interview from every resume you send."
13. Address a common question or objection. For example, “How to Prepare for a Job Interview"
14. Give away a coupon. People love getting discounts.
15. Hint at future products. If you're thinking about adding information products to your resume writing business — ebooks, membership site, webinars — tease it! Building anticipation makes great content, as well as boosts your sales for when you do your launch.

17. Rant. Just say what’s on your mind. This often turns out better than you think.
18. Promote your Facebook page or Twitter. Use email to build your social media audience.
19. Give a step-by-step guide. Walk people through how to do something complicated — like prepare their resume for use with an Applicant Tracking System.
20. Give proof for something. For example, film yourself doing something your target client wants to learn how to do — for example, changing your LinkedIn profile headline. This builds your credibility.
21. Interview an expert. Send it out to your list for free.
22. Ask other people to guest write for you. Make sure it’s super high quality before sending it out to your list.
23. Talk about someone you respect. For example, you could write a review of a new job search book. (Be sure to include an Amazon affiliate link!)

25. Do a Q&A mailbag. Answer questions you get in the mail via your newsletter. Use your questions as content.
More Things to Send To Clients
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