Yesterday, I shared 25 things you can send to clients in your email marketing. Here are 25 MORE ideas for you!
26. Answer the most frequently asked questions you get. This is a great email to add to an autoresponder sequence.
27. Announce a beta test. For example, say you’re promoting a new membership program. You can launch a “beta” version at a discount for a few weeks before launching the full priced version.
28. Tell your client's success stories. For example, “How This Woman Got Two Job Offers From Her LinkedIn Profile"
29. Critique a method you disagree with — or take a contrarian view. For example, “Why you shouldn't use informational interviewing as a job search strategy."
30. Ask your readers a question. Start a two-way dialogue to really build your connection with your community.
31. Offer a series of tips on a topic. For example, "10 Ways to Tweet Your Way To Your Next Job"
32. Give them a free MP3 download. This works a lot better than reading information for a lot of people.
Put the time constraint in the headline. For example “A Seat for You – Only Until Tomorrow.”
34. Go against something you said a while ago. For example, if you’ve been against using Facebook in the job search and came across new research that changed your mind, write a detailed post to your list.
35. Have a question panel. Post the same question to a panel of experts and email out their answers.
36. Poll your audience for their tips. Share the best ones with your list.
37. Teach them something that depends on them having your product. For example, teach people advanced strategies for LinkedIn (after they've purchased your introductory LinkedIn training program).
38. Do a motivational email. Instead of how-to content, have an email just dedicated to getting people fired up and motivated.
39. Let people pre-order an upcoming product at a discount. (For example, your new information product — like an ebook.)
40. Send an affiliate promotion for a product you genuinely believe in. Make sure you tell your personal story about why you like the product before promoting it.
41. Make something seem easy. For example, “How to Find a New Job in 15 Minutes a Day.”
42. Do something outside the ordinary. For example, write about a tangential industry. As a resume writer, you might write about working with a therapist when you get stuck in your career.
43. Give a personal share. Tell a story that’s mostly designed to let your readers get to know you more.
44. Apologize. If you think you’ve been making a mistake in your company, come clean and apologize. For example, if you’ve been over-promoting LinkedIn as a job search strategy, admit your mistake and tell people how you plan to change going forward.
45. Make a comparison. For example, how your method for job search is like how Michael Jackson trains for basketball.
46. Appeal to someone’s sense of security. Explain how an updated resume can help them live a more secure life.
Write an email designed to generate social proof. Talk about your clients’ past results — include testimonials and stories from current/past resume clients.
48. Pick up a copy of Joe Sugarman’s “Triggers” and find an emotional trigger you can use. Write an email designed specifically to hit that trigger.
27. Announce a beta test. For example, say you’re promoting a new membership program. You can launch a “beta” version at a discount for a few weeks before launching the full priced version.
28. Tell your client's success stories. For example, “How This Woman Got Two Job Offers From Her LinkedIn Profile"
29. Critique a method you disagree with — or take a contrarian view. For example, “Why you shouldn't use informational interviewing as a job search strategy."
30. Ask your readers a question. Start a two-way dialogue to really build your connection with your community.
31. Offer a series of tips on a topic. For example, "10 Ways to Tweet Your Way To Your Next Job"
32. Give them a free MP3 download. This works a lot better than reading information for a lot of people.

34. Go against something you said a while ago. For example, if you’ve been against using Facebook in the job search and came across new research that changed your mind, write a detailed post to your list.
35. Have a question panel. Post the same question to a panel of experts and email out their answers.
36. Poll your audience for their tips. Share the best ones with your list.
37. Teach them something that depends on them having your product. For example, teach people advanced strategies for LinkedIn (after they've purchased your introductory LinkedIn training program).
38. Do a motivational email. Instead of how-to content, have an email just dedicated to getting people fired up and motivated.
39. Let people pre-order an upcoming product at a discount. (For example, your new information product — like an ebook.)
40. Send an affiliate promotion for a product you genuinely believe in. Make sure you tell your personal story about why you like the product before promoting it.
41. Make something seem easy. For example, “How to Find a New Job in 15 Minutes a Day.”
42. Do something outside the ordinary. For example, write about a tangential industry. As a resume writer, you might write about working with a therapist when you get stuck in your career.
43. Give a personal share. Tell a story that’s mostly designed to let your readers get to know you more.
44. Apologize. If you think you’ve been making a mistake in your company, come clean and apologize. For example, if you’ve been over-promoting LinkedIn as a job search strategy, admit your mistake and tell people how you plan to change going forward.
45. Make a comparison. For example, how your method for job search is like how Michael Jackson trains for basketball.
46. Appeal to someone’s sense of security. Explain how an updated resume can help them live a more secure life.

48. Pick up a copy of Joe Sugarman’s “Triggers” and find an emotional trigger you can use. Write an email designed specifically to hit that trigger.
49. Every once in a while, send a simple sales message. Just a few benefit statements and a link to buy a product. This is a perfect strategy for your membership site or information product (ebook, special report, teleseminar recording/transcript).
50. Every once in a while, do a massive sale or re-launch of an old product. This can help you milk a lot more money
out of things you’ve done in the past. (Again, a great strategy if you sell information products as part of your resume writing business.)
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