Susan Britton Whitcomb has just released a new book, "30 Day Job Promotion: Build a Powerful Promotion Plan in a Month." You can read a sample chapter here.
The book covers:
- Top 10 characteristics of promotable people
- 3 common reasons people want to get promoted—money, ego, and “itch”
- 6 secrets of a Master F.I.T. so the new position fits like a glove
- 5 A's of a winning game plan
- 12 dumb mistakes to avoid when going for a promotion
- Quiz to predict your client's "promotability factor"
- 10 commandments of career success
- Scripts and tips for to help your clients have “crucial career conversations” with their manager
- A winning T.A.L.K. formula—timing, agenda, languaging, keep it going
- 15 common roadblocks to promotion, along with tips for overcoming them
- 10 steps to salary negotiation to help clients get paid for the work they really do
- 10 inspiring success stories of real-life people who have earned promotions