Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Advantages of Blogging -- Part III

The first two posts in this series outlined the advantages of a blog to drive traffic to your website and helping brand you as an expert.

The third advantage has to do with your website making you money directly.

3. Money making potential: There are going to be lots of people who come across your blog who don't turn into resume or career coaching clients. You can make money from your blog by getting them to purchase your affiliate offers -- but you can also make money from them just by virtue of them visiting your site -- through advertising revenue.

If you are getting a lot of traffic to your blog, you can sign up for a service like Google AdSense which will place relevant ads on your blog posts.  Every time a person clicks one of these ads you will be paid.  There are also tons of affiliate offers out there.  On a site like Clickbank, you can sign up and promote other people's products on your site.  This works especially well if the product is relevant to your content. 

You might even get the opportunity for selling your own ad space. You can sell ads directly on your blog -- you might partner with a local service provider (for example, a mental health therapist who offers career assessments) and sell them ad space on the blog.

Blogs have moved beyond the realm of an online diary and yes it seems like everyone has a blog.  Those aren't reasons for you not to do it, especially if you want to succeed as a professional resume writer and/or career coach.  More traffic, brand yourself as an expert and make some money...who wouldn't want that?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Advantages of Blogging -- Part II

In yesterday's blog post, we looked at the first advantage of blogging, feeding traffic to your resume writing or career coaching business website.

The second advantage has to do with positioning yourself as an expert.

2. Brand yourself as expert on a topic:  This is also a great benefit for professional resume writers and career coaches.  If you are constantly blogging helpful advice about a certain topic -- you will eventually begin to gain followers.  If your information is high quality, people will begin to look at you as an authority on your subject. Once you are looked at as an authority on the subject, you will instantly gain the trust of your blog readers.  They will come back and be loyal visitors.  Loyal visitors means you can funnel them to become clients or even tempt them with affiliate offers.

Next up in the series: Making money directly from your blogging efforts.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Advantages of Blogging -- Part I

For a resume writer or career coach, there are a number of advantages to having your own blog. Lots of people have blogs -- they're used for online marketing (promoting your resume writing and career industry services) by small business owners (just like you!). There are also a number of "hobbyist" blogs out there, focusing on specific niches -- giving you the opportunity to connect with other blog publishers (and drive traffic to your own blog!)

Despite what many people think, blogs aren't just "teenage diaries." While there are a number of blogs out there these days in the career industry field, the market certainly isn't saturated.  Competitiveness in a market just means there is traffic to be had and money to be made...if you want it.

Creating a blog in this day and age could not be easier.  There are literally hundreds of completely free blogging platforms available to people.  So why not give it a shot? 

If you are shaking your head right now thinking about how you said you would never blog, check out these three advantages. We'll look at advantage number one in today's blog post:

1. Feed traffic to your resume writing business website:  If you have a website for your career industry business (resume writer, career coach), adding a blog to that site or even on its own domain is a smart move. 

Blogs are based on dynamic content -- meaning the content is fresh and regularly added.  Google likes fresh dynamic content.  If you are blogging constantly about things related to your business you will naturally begin to start ranking in Google for some long tail keywords. This means you will be picking up web traffic that your static business site wouldn't have.

If your blog is part of your business site then that will mean more traffic directly to your site.  If you have your blog on another domain -- you can use links and banners to direct the traffic to your business or "money" site.

Tomorrow: Using a blog to showcase your expertise.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Resume Writers Digest Receives CMA Mentorship Award!

I found out on Thursday that I received a Career Management Alliance Mentorship Award!

Thanks to Kathy Hansen for nominating me for this award. I'm truly honored. Here is the criteria for the award:
The Career Management Alliance honors those individuals who have guided others in tradecraft, entrepreneurship, and community-building. Through teaching and example these mentors have inspired their colleagues and generously shared their wisdom.

Kathy's nomination (which she so kindly sent to me), was centered around my efforts to educate and inform resume writers through the work of Resume Writers' Digest -- including this blog. So thanks to all of my readers and subscribers too!