Wednesday, February 4, 2015

4 Advantages of Creating Your Own Little Monthly Payments Membership Site

You know how much I believe in creating passive income and recurring revenue in your resume writing business. If you've been following my trainings and writings for any time, you may have considered creating your own membership site. 

By starting one of these services, you can sell the same item (like short reports or LinkedIn training or even a monthly teleseminar call on a job search-related topic) to hundreds or even thousands of subscribers. But that’s just one benefit of creating a subscription service/membership site. If you’d like to learn more about this business model, then read on to learn more.

Advantage #1: More timeAs a resume writer, time is one of your most valuable assets. With a subscription service, you don’t have to go out looking for new buyers in order to get paid again. You just release a new "product" each month and reap the profits. You’ll save time that you can use to deliver one-to-one resume services or to spend with loved ones.

Advantage #2: Keep costs downWhile you may have to pay for a few technical tools in the beginning, the long-term cost of running a membership site is low. This is not a business model that you’ll have to sink hundreds or thousands of dollars into every year. You pay the initial costs then just up-keep or maintenance costs for things like hosting and domain names. You can spend as little as $25 a month for Wild Apricot membership software and it's as easy to use (or easier!) than Microsoft Word. (It's what I use for

Advantage #3: Subscriber loyaltyWhen you consistently provide good content to your subscribers, they will become loyal. This is important to growing your business because happy, loyal customers are likely to tell their friends or co-workers about your one-to-one resume services (or become one-to-one resume clients themselves!). This can put even more money into your pocket each month.

Advantage #4: Subscribers spend more
As mentioned in #3, once you’ve converted a subscriber into a loyal customer, then he is likely to look at your other services (and information products). A customer that feels like he’s receiving a lot of value for his $10 subscription will be more willing to pay for a $350 resume than a cold prospect would. This means that you shouldn’t be shy about sharing information about your one-to-one resume services with your current subscribers.

Starting a membership site can feel overwhelming. But that’s where a course like Little Monthly Payments can help you. You’ll find that the process of launching a membership site is broken down into easy-to-follow steps that you can start taking today. Check it out!

Little Monthly Payments will give you the confidence and courage to start your own micro-continuity program. Find out how here:
If you are reading this before Feb. 28, 2015: use promo code SAVE30BUCKS

Monday, February 2, 2015

The 5 W's of Client Accomplishments

When collecting client accomplishments, keep in mind the "5 Ws" -- principles most commonly associated with journalism.

The 5 W's are Who, What, When, Where, and Why.

You want to find out:

  • Who does your client work with -- both within the company, and outside the company?
  • What do they do? Initially, this is about finding out what their responsibilities are, but we need to take it further.
  • When -- not in the context of time, but when would they be missed?
  • Where -- again, not in the context of geography, but where do they have the biggest impact? Where are their accomplishments most noticed? By their colleagues? By their boss? By their customers?
  • Why -- why does your client's specific contributions matter -- in this job, and for this company?

Interested in more strategies to gather client accomplishments? Check out "Write Great Resumes Faster."

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Do You Have a Kindle? Use It To Learn

If you have a Kindle, have you heard about the Kindle Owners' Lending Library (KOLL)?

If you have an Amazon Prime membership, one of the benefits of membership is that you can take advantage of the KOLL – allowing you to borrow one book a month from over 500,000 available titles.

Better than a public library because of the sheer volume of books available, you can use the KOLL to learn. Study resume writing techniques, borrow business books, read biographies of successful business owners.

Not an Amazon Prime member? Try the Kindle Owners' Lending Library for free as part of a 30-day free trial of Amazon Prime. Use my affiliate link to give it a try:

Leave me a comment below and let me know what book you borrowed first through the Kindle Owners' Lending Library!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Resume Writers: Get Ready for the Biggest Corporate Layoff in U.S. History

I've seen this reported over the last few days from numerous sources -- IBM is poised for the biggest layoffs in company history. In fact, some are saying this will be a record-setting layoff among all U.S. corporations. IBM is expected to lay off more than 110,000 employees (or about 1/4 of its workforce):

While many of these folks will be directed to company-paid outplacement firms, others will no doubt be seeking out the services of professional resume writers. (And, as the article surmises, even those who aren't laid off are likely to update their resumes and LinkedIn profiles in case this round isn't the last.) These aren't just IT professionals -- there will be folks in administration, marketing, operations, customer service, and finance too.

You may be contacted by media in your area looking to "localize" this issue, especially if there are IBM offices in nearby. (Google "IBM" and your city name and see if there is an office in your area. We have one in Omaha, for example.)

OR, if you are looking to generate media coverage for your resume writing services, today would be a great day to reach out to your nearby news media (especially TV) and offer yourself as a source to interview about what to do when you're laid off.

For example, you could call one of your local TV stations and ask for the assignment editor. Ask if they are planning on doing a local story on the impact of IBM's layoffs, expected to be the largest corporate layoff in U.S. history. Introduce yourself: "I'm (name), of (company name). I am reaching out to you to offer information and resources to help those among your (viewers/readers) who will be laid off, and their families. I can share information and advice that will help these folks, and it's applicable to any of your audience who have recently been laid off or fired."

If you are interested in reaching out to the media, I'm offering my teleseminar recording and transcript of "Feed the Media: How to Get Free Publicity for Your Resume Business" for free download until Feb. 1, 2015. It will help you prepare to be a media source. Click here to download it.

Want some resources to help clients if they are fired or laid off? Check out this Pass-Along Materials package: So You Got Fired! (Or You Think You're About to Get Fired)