Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2013

Beyond Marketing - Why Social Media is Important for Resume Writers

Most resume writers understand the value of using social media to market their resume writing business. They create Facebook pages, LinkedIn profiles, and dutifully fill out their Google business listing — all in the hope of expanding their marketing efforts. However, did you know there are many more benefits of social media than marketing? With proper use and deployment of social media, any business can do all of the following and probably more.
  • Find subcontract writers and freelancers. Looking for subcontract writers? Or someone to handle a one-time project for your resume writing business? Use social media to help. Create a detailed listing of what you're looking for and post it on your social media accounts. Ask your friends and followers to share. It's more than likely that the person(s) who answer a call like this will be more compatible than using a huge impersonal job board.
  • Create more sales. You may think that sales and marketing are the same thing, but they're not. Marketing is increasing your reach so that you can get more leads, but sales are different. Social media can increase sales outside of your marketing efforts just because your clients might share with others the positive experience of working with you on their career marketing efforts. And if they like what you are talking about on social media, they might like to buy from you more.
  • Reward customers. Provide discounts, special incentives, and targeted career content for your customers using social media to "check in" or when they communicate with you via social media. People love getting free things, so take advantage of that by using social media to encourage more interaction with your customers and between your customers.
  • Brand your business. It's important that you brand your resume writing business across all social media accounts as honest, relevant, and even generous. (For example, be sure to mention when you volunteer your services by speaking to organizations or participate in job fairs!) Be aware of how consumers, as well as your referral sources and other resume writers, view your business via all your social media interactions. Listen to your customers and be perceived as a company that does so. Demonstrate these things as often as possible as a way to brand your business on social media.
  • Connect with your customers. You can set up private closed groups using Facebook that only your clients can see. It's a great way to increase your connection with your clients and to build a community. Encourage your clients to support other jobseekers in their job search.
  • Easy project collaboration. Another use for private Facebook groups is easy project collaboration. In Facebook groups you can upload documents and communicate easily in one spot about various projects, without ever having to have a face-to-face meeting — but still be able to keep excellent records of the events and ideas as they unfold. I know of one group of resume writers that is working on a book project through a Facebook group.

By being involved with social media, you can increase your profile among prospects while building a stronger connection with clients. Use social media to form a connection with your community. Your resume writing business can be an integral part of your community in every way that it can. And those are benefits that extend beyond using social media only for marketing.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Scheduling Social Media Into Your Resume Writing Business

One question I get from resume writers quite frequently is: "How do I use social media to promote my resume writing services, without having it become a time suck?"

Social media is an activity that can require a large time investment. As a busy resume writer and career services business owner, you may not have an abundance of free time available for social networking. But being effective on social media doesn't have to take hours out of your day.One of the best strategies to maximize social media involves scheduling your interactions.

Step #1 Establish Social Media Goals
What do you want to accomplish with your social media interactions and efforts? What's your goal? The goal needs to be measurable and timely. For example, instead of saying, "I want to increase my followers or fans on my Facebook business page" you might say, "I want to increase my page 'Likes" by 300 fans in three months" or, "I want to increase my Twitter followers by 10% by the end of the first quarter 2013." Knowing the specific goal you want to accomplish will help you direct the time -- and resources -- you spend on social media so you maximize your efforts.

Step #2 Create a Plan to Achieve Your Specific Goals
The next step involves some planning. You want to outline a step-by-step procedure to reach your goal. For example, if your goal is to reach 300 new fans in three months, you can approach it several different ways. One way might be to launch a "Like My Facebook Fan Page" promotion where you hold a sweepstakes and award the winner a free resume or LinkedIn profile update. This promotion will undoubtedly require some work on your part. Outline the steps you need to take to make it happen.

On Twitter, you can spend 10 minutes each day following new people — one of the best ways to get followers yourself is to follow more people, and engage with them so they follow you back!

You can also "spend your way" to new fans. You can set up a Facebook ad campaign and invest a couple of dollars each day towards growing your fan base.

Step #3 Pull Out the Calendar
Assuming you know how much free time you have in the day, the next step is to grab a calendar and start scheduling your social networking activities. If you don't know how much free time you have in a day, consider tracking your time for a week or two. If you are unable to complete your task list each day, you may need to prioritize and restructure some of your plans.

Taking a look at your calendar, break your social networking tasks down into small, manageable steps. Ideally, nothing will take longer than 30 minutes. It can be anything from accepting friendships on Facebook and sending each person a personal message (and inviting them to "Like" your business page) to scheduling your tweets for the week (I recommend Hootsuite for this!). Identify the task, put it on your calendar, and attack your plan in bite-sized pieces.

Step #4 Follow Through and Assess
Try to stick to your plan for a few weeks. Then step back and assess. What's working? What isn't? Are you still trying to do too much? Are you procrastinating on your social media goals? Are you getting distracted from your goal once you log on? (Block off 30 minutes on your calendar. Tell yourself you will spend the first 10 minutes doing "work" and the other 20 minutes doing "fun" social media activities.) If necessary, rework your plan so that it fits your needs and goals better.

Step #5 Celebrate Success
Evaluate your progress -- did you achieve your goal? (Put the goal deadline on your calendar to remind yourself!) Once you've reached your goals, take some time to celebrate your accomplishment. Then set a new goal and repeat the process. Scheduling your social media efforts gives them a purpose. It helps you grow your business without wasting your valuable time.

Friday, August 31, 2012

How to Make Your Resume Writing Business More Credible

© iQoncept -
With so many resume writing businesses marketing and promoting themselves online nowadays, you may be wondering: "How do I set myself apart?"

One answer is through credibility. Credibility helps separate you from your competition (or colleagues, if you prefer the more collegial definition of "other resume writers.) It also helps your resume writing business appear larger to your prospects and customers. Credulity gives your customers confidence in you. This confidence and trust results in purchases and profits.

So how do you create this credibility? How do you demonstrate to prospective resume clients that you can be trusted?

Professional Policies and Procedures
One of the best ways to establish trust and credibility with your prospects instantly is to make sure you represent your company online in a professional and credible manner. The simplest way to accomplish this is to publish your policies and procedures on your website. Make sure the policies page is easy to find and that it covers all the information someone would want to know. For example, what is your privacy policy? What is your payment policy? (Payment in full up front? Half due now, and the rest when the resume draft is delivered?) What about refunds? Do you have a guarantee?

Transparency is a key credibility builder. Consider also including a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page on your site. It may cover much of the same material that your policies and procedures page covers, but that's okay.

Large Networking Presence
More than 800 million people are on Facebook right now. It's important to have a presence on mainstream social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You may even want to have a Pinterest account. It's also important to integrate your activity and social networking presence on your resume writing business website. For example, include links to your social networking profile on your site. Allow people to connect with you on the platforms they use.

Social networking is a credibility builder because it's a personal way to connect with your company. Again, it goes back to transparency and availability. If you're open and easy to connect with online, it builds trust. Most resume writing businesses are solo operations -- so when a client is choosing to work with your company, they are really choosing you.

Additionally, if you're connecting with other notable experts (especially thought leaders in the careers industry -- other resume writers, career coaches, recruiters, HR professionals, etc.) on social networking sites, your prospects will notice that. You will earn credibility by association.

Great Content
Finally, great content is essential to building credibility. You want to make sure your content positions you as a knowledgeable expert in your industry. You can publish content on your website or blog. You can also publish content on your social networking profiles.

Each article, blog post, or web page will ideally offer value to your reader. When you offer value, you help build a foundation of trust with your readers. They begin to learn from you and about you. This helps them feel like youíre a company they can count on to continue to solve their problems.

In addition to publishing great content, it's also helpful to publish content frequently -- and on other websites. For example, if you are able to publish content on your site and contribute to other relevant blogs as a guest blogger, it helps establish your credibility. Publish articles on article directories or on sites like Squidoo. If other business owners are turning to you for great content, then you must be an expert!

Building credibility isn't difficult, but it does take a plan. Represent your resume writing business online in a professional manner. Make sure to be completely transparent and to publish content that offers value.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Using TweetChat to Help You Monitor Career-Related Twitter Chats

In this week's YOUnique newsletter (the newsletter of Reach Personal Branding), Kristen Jacoway offers tips on "How Twitter Can Help Your Job Hunt." (Sept. 22, 2011, Issue 60).

One tool she didn't mention -- but that I find helpful when engaging in a chat on Twitter, is TweetChat. TweetChat allows you to monitor the chat in real time without being distracted by the other tweets on Twitter. It creates a "virtual room" for tweets using the hashtag (like #CareerChat) you have selected to follow. (Note: You will sign in with your Twitter account and click "allow" to enable access to your account. This will allow you to post your comments on the chat just the same as if you were posting from Twitter directly.)

(On the TweetChat home page, you put the hashtag you want to follow in the box right at the top there -- between where it says "TweetChat"  and "Go." It can be a little hard to find the first time around, so I thought I'd point that out.)

Here are a couple of chats Kristen highlighted in her article:

  • #JobHuntChat – Every Monday from 10:00 – 11:00 p.m. ET. This chat is for a community where job seekers, career coaches, recruiters, human resource professionals, and hiring managers come together. Each week, #JobHuntChat focuses on 6 questions from job seekers and then practicing industry experts offer solutions.
  • #CareerChat – Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. ET
  • #InternChat – Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. ET
  • #GenYChat – Wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. ET
  • #HFChat – Fridays at 12:00 p.m. ET. HFChart is a part of HireFriday – movement where job seekers are marketed instead of job openings.
  • #Linkedinchat – Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. CT. Linkedinchat covers topics about LinkedIn and leverages this social media platform.

You can find a list of regularly-scheduled Twitter chats (not just careers industry-related), at this link:

You can sign up for a subscription to the YOUnique newsletter here.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Social Media Time Management Strategy: Search and Save Searches

New vs. Old Twitter - How to Search and Save Searches

This is the second post in a series of Social Media Time Management Strategies for Twitter.

Sometimes you might have a need to do a search and find all tweets related to a certain term. Perhaps you heard about a new product related to your niche (area of expertise) and you want to see what’s being said on twitter. No problem!


Old Twitter:

In the old version of Twitter, the search box is on the right side of the screen. Enter your search terms and click on the magnifying glass.


On the search results page, Click on “Save This Search” to keep a record of your search.


Your saved searches will appear in the right menu whenever you want to view them as shown below:


New Twitter:


In the new version, the search box is at the top of the screen to the right of the Twitter logo. Enter your search terms then click on the magnifying glass to search and click your mouse.



On the search results page, you can click “Save this Search” Just like in the old version, you can click on “Save this Search” to save your search for future use. However, as you can see, the button to “Save this search” is larger than in the old version.


Then your saved searches will appear in your top menu anytime you want to access them. For example:

Twitter is known for being a great source for news so if you hear of something going on in the world, do a search and you will most likely find some tweets about it.


Twitter is also a great tool for doing research. Thinking of writing an ebook on “weight loss for women”? Search Twitter periodically to find out what people are saying about your topic and what questions they are asking. You can do searches for "resume writing," "job interview," "find a job," "job search" and similar terms and see what's being searched!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Social Media Time Management Strategy: Make a Twitter List

In the newest issue of Resume Writers' Digest, the cover story is on "Social Media Time Management Strategies for Resume Writers." In the spirit of that article is this blog post, which addresses a time-saving tip for Twitter.

One helpful Twitter feature is the ability to make a List. You can add those you follow to a list so that you can see all related tweets at once. Think of it as a customized timeline.


Ideas for lists to create would be Recruiters, Colleagues, Family, Celebrities, etc.


Old Twitter:

To create a list in the old version of Twitter, you would click on “New List“ in the Lists section on the right side. Once you have created one or more lists, they will appear above where you create a new one so you can easily access them.



New Twitter:


In the new version, click on the dropdown arrow beside “Lists” and then click on “Create a list.”




The process of actually creating your list is essentially the same in Old and New Twitter. Assign your list a Name and Description then choose whether you want it to be “Public” or “Private”. When finished completing this screen, click on Save List.


Once you’ve created your list, you can add people by searching for them:



Or just go to your follower list and find the people you want to add. Just click the icon on the far right and you can select to add the person to any of your lists.



Once your list is complete, you can click on it to see the tweets of those on your list only.

Want more social media time management tips? Subscribe to Resume Writers' Digest -- it's free! When you've confirmed your e-mail address, you'll also get a link to download the Spring 2011 issue which features Social Media Time Management Strategies for Resume Writers.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

What NOT to Do On Your Facebook (& Twitter) Page

I am friends with lots of careers industry folks on Facebook. Some of them (Barbara Safani, Jason Alba, Dawn Bugni, Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter, etc.) do a fabulous job with their online brand.

Others, not so much. The screen shot on the left is from MJW Careers. I'm not sure who the resume writer behind this page is, but I do know that they write resumes for $50.

I am amazed they have 308 friends, since the majority of their posts are ... for lack of a better term ... spam.

For the past week or so, once or twice a day, they blast 3-4 posts on Twitter (that are automatically reposted on their Facebook page) about their cheap resume writing services. If you go back through the history, though, you find that they also apparently provide recruiting services. It actually was more interesting when they were posting "people needed" status updates for various *specific* positions versus the basic, blanket posts.

Some keys for resume writers to keep in mind with Facebook:

1) Remember the 80/20 ratio. Eighty percent of your posts should be content (resources, opinions, encouragement, links to good articles) etc. Only 20% should be promotional. And don't just rely on Twitter to update your status. Because of the way it's tagged, we can tell when it's a Twitter repost. Give us something original on Facebook every once in a while.

2) Think about your brand. For most resume writers, it's a good idea to set up a Facebook page for your resume writing business. While you can use your personal page to promote resume-related items, you're better off getting "Fans" (or "Likes") for your business page than to add friends to your personal page. You can then drive traffic to your business page by linking to items on your personal page.

3) Don't forget to have a personality. If you link to an article, provide some brief commentary. I always like hearing about resume writers whose clients are having success. But remember that -- like we advise clients -- anything you post online is totally public (even if you have your Facebook privacy settings locked down, there's nothing to prevent one of your "friends" from taking a screen shot of it.)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Best of Today: 9/14/10

Here are my "favorite" articles from today --

Interesting article from US News & World Report, via @AvidCareerist (retweeting @ErinKennedyCPRW and @JobHuntOrg! “Beware the Interviewer in a Soft Chair

The Real Power of Networking is in the Second Degree? – via Kristen Jacoway – “How to Find a New Job with LinkedIn”
– Great video explaining the process!


@GayleHoward: Careers are linked to your life stages. Work situations perfect for one period of your life may be completely wrong for the next.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

ReTweet Wisdom #1

I'm on Twitter and get so much good advice on there (inspirational sayings & quotes, links to great blogs) that I'm going to share some of it occasionally on here with you. I only follow 103 people (currently) and I can't believe the great ideas, information, and resources that shows up in my Twitter feed!

Here's just a sample of the ones I liked in the last five minutes:

RT @derekfred 5 Tips For Making a Good First Impression #jobsearch (Thanks @BriteTab)

@KellyMagowan Glass Door, 50 best places to work in 2010 (Thanks @AnneMarieCross

HireCentrix Weighing the Value of That College Diploma

Animal Introverts & Networking - - by @JulieWalraven <-- it's all explained here @KevinWGrossman

BriteTab Build Your Brand #Networking #jobsearch

JobHuntOrg #jobhunting Effective networking follow-up for the holidays & beyond by @Keppie_Careers -

Here are some folks you should definitely follow on Twitter (more to come--this is just a start!):
Animal (recruiter)
JulieWalraven (resume writer)
BarbaraSafani (resume writer)
ValueIntoWords (Jacqui Poindexter, resume writer)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Live Twittering From NRWA Conference 2009

If you're like me and couldn't make it to the NRWA Conference, you can still find out what's going on through live Twitter updates from conference participants. Search for "#NRWAconf2009" or "#NRWA09" ...

Check out these folks:
@CEOCoach (Deb Dib)
@CIO_Coach (Kim Batson)
@wendyterwelp (Wendy Terwelp)
@dawnrasmussen (Dawn Rasmussen)
@susanwhitcomb (Susan Britton Whitcomb)
@tessaweeks (Tessa Weeks)
@RobynFeldberg (Robyn Feldberg)
@BonnieKurka (Bonnie Kurka)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Start Planning Now for International Update Your Resume Month

The ninth annual International Update Your Resume Month is this September. Career Directors International is posting 75 days of resume writing tips on the CDI Twitter page.

Resume writers (you do not have to be a member of CDI to participate) can download banners here to promote the idea that job seekers should keep their resume updated. You can use the banners to link to your own websites. (CDI members have access to promotional campaign materials.)

Now is a great time to send out your news releases on this topic to your local media.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Warn Clients of the Danger of Social Media

All right, all right -- the upside of social media VASTLY outweighs the negatives.

But every once in a while, I come across a story of a job searcher who forgot that the Internet is PUBLIC.

Here's a story of a job searcher who got burned by a tweet on Twitter.

Remind your clients that while Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Ning, Twitter, etc. are great ways to communicate with their networks, family, and friends -- that even things that they thought were private aren't 100% private ... so they need to "think twice; tweet once."

Monday, August 11, 2008

Affluent Are Networking Online

According to the latest Wealth Survey from the Luxury Institute, 60% of wealthy Americans participate in online social networks, compared to 27% a year ago. These individuals have an average income of $287,000 a year and an average net worth of $2.1 million.

According to the survey, these individuals belong to average of 2.8 social networks, with roughly 110 connections. The most popular of these are LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and ExecuNet.

Source: ExecuNet, April 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

Survey: Social Networks Attract Affluent Individuals

Thanks to Robyn Greenspan of ExecuNet for passing along the findings of this survey.

According to the latest Wealth Survey from the Luxury Institute, more than 60 percent of wealthy Americans (those with an average income of $287K and net worth of $2.1M) participate in online social networks -- compared with just 27 percent a year ago.

These affluent individuals are most likely members of 2.8 social networks (with roughly 110 connections). Those with even higher incomes belong to more social networks (3.4 on average).

Here are some of the most prominent social networking sites:

ExecuNet is a closed network which allows members to have a direct connection with thousands of senior-level business leaders.

LinkedIn: One of the most popular social networks for professionals.

Facebook: Originally for students, this network has grown to encompass more professional members -- but is still more often used by the Generation X and Y sets than the Baby Boomers.

I just found out about a new social networking service -- Ning -- that I'm experimenting with. I'll let you know what I think about it once I've had a chance to play around with it.